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VAST Journal Club

Date and time: Monday, August 28 3-4pm eastern time 

Presenter: Devon Stuart, MSc student in Clinical Neuroscience, University of Calgary

Paper: Cerebral Blood Flow Alterations in Acute Sport-Related Concussion. This paper uses Arterial Spin Labeling MRI techniques to investigate changes in CBF in acute concussion.


The VAST Trainee Committee is running an online Journal Club specific to VCI. This is an exciting opportunity to learn more about research within the VCI field and to network with other trainees doing interdisciplinary research throughout Canada (and beyond). All trainees (undergrads, mscs, phds, pdfs, clinical fellows, med students) are invited to present, and both trainees and PIs are invited to participate and provide feedback.

Journal club is run on the last Monday of every month from 3-4 pm eastern time. (1-2pm mountain time, 12-1pm pacific time, 4-5pm atlantic time).

We encourage all trainees to sign up for a session (1-2 trainees per session depending on format). This will be a low stakes learning and networking opportunity.

RISE module with recordings and more info:

August 17

2023 VAST Summer Symposium

September 19

Neuroimaging and Fluid Biomarkers of Neurodegenerative Disease Workshop Series